Enjoying the advantages of e-learning and living the Erasmus+ KA1Experience!// ¡Disfrutando las ventajas del sistema e-learning y viviendo la Experiencia Erasmus+ KA1!

«Every day started with some jamón & cheese. We really enjoyed morning walks to our learning destination». Dunja Skender Kuna. Adult Education Institution Studium With education taking the necessary steps towards digitalisation, understanding the advantages of creating an online educational campus made up of teachers, students and staff is crucial for the proper development of (leer más)

¡Aprende a preparar una experiencia de aprendizaje activa en el aula! // Let ‘s learn how to prepare an active learning experience in the classroom!

Con el principal objetivo de dotar a profesores y alumnos de las herramientas básicas necesarias para poner en práctica el aprendizaje por inversión en su aula, el pasado lunes 27 de junio dio comienzo en el Centro de formación e innovación de Inercia Digital una nueva edición del curso Metodología de Aula Invertida, al que (leer más)

June will be THE MONTH in Inercia Digital! / Junio será EL MES en Inercia Digital!

La llegada del junio es siempre un buen motivo para celebrar que el verano se aproxima, pero en Inercia Digital éste será sin duda nuestro junio y ¡puede ser el tuyo!. Con cuatro cursos confirmados a la vista, la formación continua en el ámbito de la educación será uno de nuestros objetivos estratégicos principales. Considerando (leer más)

Do you want to be trained in digital skills and entrepreneurship? Participate in our confirmed courses in May! / ¿Quieres formarte en competencias digitales y de emprendimiento? ¡Participa en nuestros cursos confirmados en el mes de Mayo!

Inercia Digital continues to support education professionals as well as all citizens in general in the important task of keeping updated in the digital field. In such a changing world, with an excess of information and resources at our disposal, it is essential to keep updated on new educational methodologies and ICT tools available.  That (leer más)

Learning while playing is possible thanks to robotics! / ¡Aprender jugando es posible gracias a la robótica!

The new call of the course «Robotics for Educators«, carried out in the Centro de formación e innovación de Inercia Digital, has been a success. The training team of Inercia Digital received, last Monday 25th, teachers from the Šiaulių Petro Avižonio Ugdymo Centras of Lithuania, on the occasion of the European mobility project Erasmus+ KA1 (leer más)

Learning to create educational video games in one week is possible in Inercia Digital!/¡Aprender a crear videojuegos educativos en una semana es posible en Inercia Digital!

On the 18th of April, at the Inercia Digital Training and Innovation Centre, the course «Creating Educational Video Games» started, taught by our training team and attended by Lithuanian participants from Telsiu kurciuju ir neprigirdinciuju draugija, which lasted for five days. The main objective of the course is to help educational staff understand the fundamental (leer más)

Hurry up! 23th February is the deadline to participate in Erasmus+ KA122SCH and KA122ADU Learning Mobility Projects with Inercia Digital as your Training Provider!

Hurry up! 23th February is the deadline to participate in Erasmus+ KA122SCH and KA122ADU Learning Mobility Projects with Inercia Digital as your Training Provider! Did you know that teachers, trainers and education staff in the European Union have the opportunity to live a unique learning mobility experience thanks to the Erasmus+ KA122SCH mobility projects for (leer más)

Iniciamos la formación de WordPress con los participantes portugueses de la ACSS Raquel Lombardi // Starting the WordPress training with the Portuguese participants of the ACSS Raquel Lombardi.

Iniciamos la formación de WordPress con los participantes de la ACSS Raquel Lombardi.  El pasado lunes 12 de abril, a pesar de las restricciones causadas por la Covid-19, se decidió retomar los proyecto destinados a la Associação Cultural e de Solidariedade Social Raquel Lombardi. ¡La formación sigue en marcha!  Cristina Romero, Coordinadora de Formación en (leer más)


❗ CALL FOR EUROPEAN TEACHERS AND TRAINERS 🇪🇺 ❗ New generations require new learning methods based on ICT. Therefore, we must maintain constant #learning and adapt to the new educational needs. We are looking for education staff from schools and adults centres to participate in our upcoming confirmed training courses 👥👌  : – European Opportunities (leer más)