Final days to apply for a KA1 Learning Mobility project for teachers, trainers and staff with Inercia Digital! 

Hurry up! October 4th is the deadline to participate in the 2nd Round of the Erasmus+ KA122SCH and KA122ADU Learning Mobility Projects with Inercia Digital as your Training Provider! At Inercia Digital we specialise in Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobilities for Trainers, Teachers and other Educational Staff.

How to participate in Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobilities for teachers, trainers and staff? It’s super easy! At Inercia Digital we work hard so our partners only have to enjoy the experience! Our training team writes the proposal for you, and accompanies you at all times, telling you every step we take in the project and what you should do.

We have developed 2 training programmes: Digital and Entrepreneurial School, taking into account the most demanded skills by European teachers. Take a look at our catalogue, we have 17 different courses!

To participate, all you have to do is follow these 4 easy steps!

  • Send us your organisation’s updated PIF at
  • Select 2 of our courses.
  • Tell us the number of participants that will take part in each mobility. Please note that we set a minimum of 5 participants per course.
  • Keep in touch with our team and… We will draft your project for free!

Once the project is approved, you will only have to enjoy the learning experience of two courses of five days each! 

We have our school in the province of Huelva, in sunny Andalusia. It’s a dream environment! Huelva is a coastal city in the south of Spain, the province with the most hours of sunshine in Spain!

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Laura Salgado Ferreira

(ES) Directora del Departamento de Formación. Pedagoga y Doctoranda en la Universidad de Huelva. “La educación no es preparación para la vida; la educación es la vida en sí misma” (John Dewey) (ENG) Training Manager. Pedagogue, PhD student at the Univerity of Huelva. "Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself" (John Dewey).

Laura Salgado Ferreira

(ES) Directora del Departamento de Formación. Pedagoga y Doctoranda en la Universidad de Huelva. “La educación no es preparación para la vida; la educación es la vida en sí misma” (John Dewey) (ENG) Training Manager. Pedagogue, PhD student at the Univerity of Huelva. "Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself" (John Dewey).

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