Training course Collaborative Tools for Teamwork//Curso de formación Collaborative Tools for Teamwork

Last week Inercia Digital provided another successful training course! We delivered for the first time one of our new courses called Collaborative tools for teamwork. The participants were staff and teachers from a kindergarten in Lithuania who created their own project called Digital Opportunities in Preschool and invited us, Inercia Digital, as the trainer provider. (leer más)


En conjunto con Sprijin si Dezvoltare and Association of Citizens CEFE Macedonia Skopje, Inercia Digital implementa un nuevo proyecto, Entrepreneurial Education for Youth, financiado por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Erasmus+. El propósito de este proyecto es llevar a cabo un programa para el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor. Permitirá a un total de (leer más)

Training activity of the INTEMIS project//La actividad formativa del proyecto INTEMIS

Inercia Digital organised a training activity for the Erasmus+ KA2 project called INTEMIS  in El Rompido from 24th to 28th October 2017. INTEMIS (INnovative TEaching Method for an Inclusive School)  is a project aimed at introducing in VET School and Center, ICT based Flipped Learning, an innovative and student-centred pedagogical approach. The training course was (leer más)

Transnational Meeting of the project Tools and Games for Cyberbullying // Reunión Transnacional del Proyecto Tools and Games for Cyberbullying

Inercia Digital held the meeting in Terchová, Slovakia, for the project Tools and Games for Cyberbullying from 19th to 21th of September. Hosted by our partner from Slovakia, Centrum prevencie mladeze (CPE), the meeting took place in a hotel located next to the mountains and CPE prepared several activities to raise awareness between the partners (leer más)

Inercia Digital invita a tres jóvenes españolas al curso Erasmus + KA1 en Estonia//Inercia Digital invites three Spanish girls to a Erasmus+ KA1 course in Estonia

El equipo de Inercia Digital invita a tres jóvenes españolas al curso Erasmus + KA1 «Film it: multimedia practices for cultural dialogue and inclusion» donde participan países como Estonia, Holanda, Grecia, Rumania, España y Portugal. El curso de formación se celebrará en Estonia, en Taevaskoja, entre el 23 y el 30 de septiembre de 2017 (leer más)


Inercia Digital, an innovative Andalusian social enterprise, established in 2012, with Europe-wide outlets, and focused on fostering training in digital skills in Europe both for organizations and entrepreneurs presents 3 projects created for the Erasmus+ call. We would like to present you our proposal concerning the “Digital Schools” project, a mobility project under the Erasmus+ (leer más)

DIGA event organised in El Rompido//DIGA evento organizado en El Rompido

Inercia Digital organised an event on 17 June 2017 for Erasmus+ KA2 project called DIGA in El Rompido. DIGA, Digital Innovations for Growth Academy, meets the strategic need defined in the Bruges Communique to improve the capacity of Vocational Education and Training to respond to the changing requirements of the labour market and to adapt (leer más)