Should I stay or should I go? ERASMUS+ // ¿Debería irme o quedarme? ERASMUS+

Effects of mobility on the skills and employability of students

The exchange programme Erasmus+ is known for giving unique experiences in education, skills building, personal development, as well as boosting their employability and European identity.

For more information about the Erasmus+ programme click here.  

The Erasmus+ programme was always expected to help students to become internationally competent and enough prepared for job. It is expected that the Erasmus international experience has a positive impact on the personal and academic development.

The Erasmus is seen as beneficial for student to find their job after graduating.

The Erasmus students (mobile students) are usually better prepared for international activities than non-mobile students, they have better knowledge of other countries, foreign language proficiency, intercultural understanding and many others which you can find for example here.

The international experience played for graduates an important role when entering the labour market. It is because mobile graduates are more active in international questions than non-mobile graduates, for example they work with clients from other countries, do business trips to other countries, use information about other countries, are sent abroad for work assignments or they use foreign languages in professional situations.

Erasmus experiences have a long-lasting impact on students´ lives and make them discover a new identity.

For more information about Effects of mobility on the skills and employability of students, please follow the link

¿Debería irme o quedarme?


Efectos de la movilidad en las habilidades y empleabilidad de los estudiantes.

El programa de intercambio Erasmus+ es conocido por aportar experiencias únicas en educación, creación de habilidades, desarrollo personal y estimular su empleabilidad e identidad europea.

Para más información sobre el programa Erasmus+ pinche aquí.

Siempre se esperó que el programa Erasmus+ ayudase a los estudiantes a ser competentes internacionalmente y a estar lo suficientemente preparados para un trabajo. Se espera que la experiencia Erasmus internacional tenga un impacto positivo en el desarrollo personal y académico.

La Erasmus está considerada beneficiosa para los estudiantes a la hora de encontrar trabajo después de graduarse.

Los estudiantes Erasmus (estudiantes móviles) están, normalmente, mejor preparados que los no móviles para actividades internacionales, tienen mejor conocimiento sobre otros países, dominio de lenguas extranjeras, entendimiento intercultural y muchas más que puedes ver aquí.

La experiencia internacional tiene un papel importante para los graduados una vez que entran en el mercado laboral. Esto se debe a que los graduados móviles son más activos en cuestiones internacionales que los no móviles. Por ejemplo, trabajan con clientes de otros países, realizan viajes de negocios a otros países, usan información sobre lugares extranjeros, son enviados fuera para cuestiones laborales o usan idiomas extranjeros en situaciones profesionales.

La experiencia Erasmus tiene un impacto duradero en la vida de los estudiantes y los hacen descubrir una nueva identidad.

Para más información sobre los efectos de la movilidad en las habilidades y empleabilidad de los estudiantes, por favor siga el enlace.

Veronika Fricova

Training Manager at Inercia Digital

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7 Respuestas

  1. 26/08/2015

    […] For more information about Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, please follow this links here and that other one. For more information about the European Union support for students and staff exchanges and university cooperation, please follow link here. And to enter the first parte of this post, click here. […]

  2. 28/08/2015

    […] For more information about Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, please follow this linkshere and that other one. For more information about the European Union support for students and staff exchanges and university cooperation, please follow link here. And to enter the first parte of this post, click here. […]

  3. 31/03/2016

    […] For more information about Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, please follow this linkshere and that other one. For more information about the European Union support for students and staff exchanges and university cooperation, please follow link here. And to enter the first parte of this post, click here. […]

  4. 21/04/2016

    […] For more information about Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, please follow this linkshere and that other one. For more information about the European Union support for students and staff exchanges and university cooperation, please follow link here. And to enter the first parte of this post, click here. […]

  5. 05/05/2016

    […] For more information about Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, please follow this linkshere and that other one. For more information about the European Union support for students and staff exchanges and university cooperation, please follow link here. And to enter the first parte of this post, click here. […]

  6. 27/07/2017

    […] For more information about Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, please follow this links here and here. For more information about the European Union support for students and staff exchanges and university cooperation, please follow the link here. […]

  7. 04/06/2020

    […] irme o quedarme? ERASMUS+ (Effects of mobility on the skills and employability of students) blog.inerciadigit… Posted on 07/08/2015 by Veronika Fričová, Trainee in Inercia […]

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