📣 The Erasmus+ call for Small-Scale Partnerships in the field of youth is officially open!

🔔A new deadline for Small scale Partnerships in the field of youth has just been established on 7th May! This becomes an additional round for applications for proposals that organisations can submit in the national agencies of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Slovakia. 🌍Small-scale partnerships are designed to expand access to the program to hard-to-reach individuals and small-scale actors in the youth education sector, allowing participating organisations to gain experience in international cooperation and to consolidate their capacities. 

🇪🇺From Inercia Digital, we are interested to join a consortium and cooperate as partners offering our expertise and experience in the Erasmus+ programme. Inercia Digital is an innovative VET center in Andalusia (Spain) officially accredited by our regional government and specialised in training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills at an international level. Our areas of expertise include:🔒ICT components and cybersecurity, 💻E-platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS) , 🤖Educational robotics and 3D printing,📱Coding, Android and IOS apps and innovative digital content.

💡How can Inercia Digital contribute to your proposal?

Inercia Digital’s profile is perfectly aligned with one of the main priorities of the Erasmus+ programme: Digital transformation. This allows us to leverage our expertise to effectively address the evolving needs of the youth sector in an increasingly digital world.

✅ Inercia Digital’s expertise and experience in innovative training methodologies and capacity building activities ensure that projects meets high quality standards in the area of non-formal education.

✅ Inercia Digital brings extensive experience in youth education through our successful participation in more than 120 projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

👉Are you planning to submit a KA210-YOU proposal on 7th May and need a digital partner that add value to your proposal❓📧 Get in touch with the Innovation department of Inercia Digital at innovation@inerciadigital.com in order to explore ways of collaborating in the upcoming Small-scale Partnerships call!

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Maite Guerrero Giráldez

Trabajando en el Departamento de Innovación de Inercia Digital. Soy una apasionada de la lengua inglesa y me encanta viajar. Amante de los animales. Working in the Innovation Department of Inercia Digital. I am passionate about English language and I love travelling. Animal lover.

Maite Guerrero Giráldez

Trabajando en el Departamento de Innovación de Inercia Digital. Soy una apasionada de la lengua inglesa y me encanta viajar. Amante de los animales. Working in the Innovation Department of Inercia Digital. I am passionate about English language and I love travelling. Animal lover.

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