Partners search: looking for european schools


We are looking for a school or adult education center interested in our proposal Digital School project. “European Digital School: efficient integration of ICT in schools” for ka2.

ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. First, teachers still believe that insufficient ICT equipment is the biggest obstacle to ICT use in many countries.

Second, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in the classroom for learning is infrequent. Teacher training in ICT is rarely compulsory and most teachers devote spare time to private study. Third, students and teachers have the highest use of ICT and ICT learning-based activities when schools combine policies on ICT integration in teaching and learning. However, most schools don’t have such an overarching policy. Therefore it is not surprising that teachers generally believe that there is a need for radical change to take place for ICT to be fully exploited in teaching and learning. (Survey of schools: ICT in Education, FINAL REPORT a study prepared for the European Online professional collaboration between teachers can also lead to effective changes in their practice, and a deeper awareness of their own professional development needs.

Although online resources and networks are widely available in Europe, they are a relatively new way for teachers to engage in professional development, and only a minority is exploiting their benefits. There is a need therefore to further promote – starting with pre-service training – such online platforms and the opportunities they can afford to the European teaching community.


Enhancing digital integration in learning and teaching supporting ICT-based teaching, as well as ICT-based assessment practices. In particular, supporting teachers, educational staff in acquiring or improving the use of ICT for learning and related digital competences; supporting digital integration in learning to reach audiences; exploring the potential of learning analytics and crowd-assessment to increase the quality of learning.

The aim of the programme is the creation of a network for the exchanging of good practices; to do so the programme propose a set of activities for the establishing of a Digital School Distinction (KA2).


Who can take part in a strategic partnership?

As a general rule, Strategic Partnerships target the cooperation between organisations established in Programme  countries. However, organisations from Partner Countries can be involved in a Strategic Partnership,as partners (not as applicants), if their participation brings an essential added value to the project.

Eligible participating organisations

Any public or private organisation, established in a Programme Country or in any Partner Country of the world

For example, such organisation can be:

– a higher education institution;

– a school/institute/educational centre (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);

– a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;

— a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);

– a public body at local, regional or national level;

– a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, industry, craft/professional associations and trade unions;

– a research institute;

– a foundation;

– an inter-company training centre;

– enterprises providing shared training (collaborative training);

– a cultural organisation, library, museum;

– a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services;

– a body validating knowledge, skills and competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning;

– a European Youth NGO;

– a group of young people active in youth work but not necessarily in the context of a youth organisation (i.e. informal group of young people).

If you are interested in participating, please write us:

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