Etiquetado: #educationaltools


Improving teamworking skills in education. // Mejorando las habilidades de trabajo en equipo en la educación.

Teamwork skills are, nowadays, one of the most valued and demanded skills by employers in almost every industry. They are crucial in the workplace not only to maintain good relationships between members of an...


🔎 Seeking to participate in the partnership for excellence call “Erasmus+ Teacher Academies”. // Buscamos participar en la convocatoria de asociación de excelencia «Academias de Profesores Erasmus+» 🇪🇺

👩‍🏫 Erasmus+ Teacher Academies are a new Action of the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027, in the framework of Partnerships for Excellence, supporting projects with a long-term sustainable perspective. The aim of this action is to...


Inercia Digital meets with different European organisations to promote cooperation in the European Erasmus+ proposals // Inercia Digital se reúne con diferentes organizaciones europeas para fomentar la cooperación en las propuestas europeas de Erasmus+

Inercia Digital is a Spanish VET center (Vocational Training for Employment), located  in Andalusia, officially accredited by our regional government and our main area of expertise is fostering digital and entrepreneurial skills. Inercia Digital...


¿Quieres conocer las herramientas que permiten a un equipo trabajar de forma remota y colaborativa? // Do you want to learn about the tools that enable a team to work remotely and collaboratively? 

La globalización ha supuesto la eliminación de las barreras físicas y la posibilidad de trabajar en un proyecto común independientemente de la localización geográfica. Sin embargo, esto requiere, por parte de los profesionales, una...


Transnational learning mobilities with Erasmus+ to learn about Tools Supporting Educational Innovation! / ¡Movilidades de aprendizaje transnacionales con Erasmus+ para conocer las Herramientas que Apoyan la Innovación Educativa!

At Inercia Digital we promote educational innovation through continuous training for education professionals. Last week, a new edition of the course «Tools Supporting Educational Innovation» was held in Huelva from 02 until 06th of...