Categoría: Erasmus+


Juntos haciendo frente al ciberacoso (TOC): previniendo el ciberacoso entre los jóvenes // Together for Tackling Cyberbullying (TOC): preventing cyberbullying among youth people

Juntos haciendo frente al ciberacoso (TOC): previniendo el ciberacoso entre los jóvenes Inercia Digital, junto con Asociatia Centru International pentru Educate (Rumanía), Impact Circles (Germany) y Klub Za Osnazivanje Mladih 018 Udruzenje (Serbia), han...


Final days to apply for a KA1 Learning Mobility project for teachers, trainers and staff with Inercia Digital! 

Hurry up! October 4th is the deadline to participate in the 2nd Round of the Erasmus+ KA122SCH and KA122ADU Learning Mobility Projects with Inercia Digital as your Training Provider! At Inercia Digital we specialise...


¿Es el marketing digital sostenible para la agricultura y las zonas rurales europeas?//Is digital marketing sustainable for European agriculture and rural areas?

Con el proyecto Erasmus + Digiagrimark creemos que podemos contribuir a la digitalización en la agricultura y así mejorar la sostenibilidad económica y ambiental del sector agrícola mediante la mejora de las habilidades de...

Inercia Digital is seeking to participate in the Cooperation Partnerships (KA220)// Inercia Digital busca participar en la convocatoria Cooperation Partnerships (KA220). 0

Inercia Digital is seeking to participate in the Cooperation Partnerships (KA220)// Inercia Digital busca participar en la convocatoria Cooperation Partnerships (KA220).

Inercia Digital is a Spanish VET centre (Vocational Training for Employment) focused on fostering digital and entrepreneurial skills through specialised training and innovation in educational and digital programmes.  Our mission is to drive training...


Enjoying the advantages of e-learning and living the Erasmus+ KA1Experience!// ¡Disfrutando las ventajas del sistema e-learning y viviendo la Experiencia Erasmus+ KA1!

«Every day started with some jamón & cheese. We really enjoyed morning walks to our learning destination». Dunja Skender Kuna. Adult Education Institution Studium With education taking the necessary steps towards digitalisation, understanding the...