Inercia Digital lanza los talleres juveniles Youth Work 2.0 // Inercia Digital launches Youth Work 2.0 educational workshops

Ayer el equipo de Inercia Digital se reunió de manera telemática para celebrar la sexta reunión entre trabajadores juveniles en preparación para el lanzamiento de los talleres juveniles como parte del proyecto europeo de juventud Youth Work 2.0.

La formadora del proyecto, Susana Corona supervisó el desarrollo de las tareas de los 6 trabajadores juveniles de Inercia Digital (María Fernández, Enrique Picón, Ana María Fortes, Laura Salgado, Jose Bermúdez y Cristina Romero) que crearán e impartirán los talleres educativos para jóvenes.

Durante la reunión se refinaron los detalles del proceso de selección y captación de jóvenes, se acordaron los criterios de participación en los talleres y se finalizó tanto el póster del evento como el formulario de inscripción.

Los talleres del proyecto Youth Work 2.0 buscan facilitar un encuentro entre jóvenes de distintos ámbitos sociales, económicos, culturales y educativos para que intercambien en un entorno dinámico, seguro, enriquecedor y didáctico y a la vez adquieran competencias cívicas, políticas, sociales e interculturales a través del desarrollo de diferentes actividades de formación no formal y juegos interactivos.

Poster Talleres Juveniles Youth Work 2.0

Los talleres se desarrollarán a lo largo de dos días consecutivos en septiembre, durante los cuales se dotará a los jóvenes de herramientas y nuevos métodos educativos que fomentan la igualdad social, la inclusión, la participación activa de la ciudadanía en la vida política y social en la comunidad, a nivel local, regional y nacional y que a la vez luchan contra la discriminación, marginalización y exclusión.

Desde aquí animamos a todos los jóvenes de entre 15 y 30 años a participar en los talleres que tendrán lugar en Huelva durante el mes de septiembre y a inscribirse en tan solo unos clics accediendo a este formulario.

¡Nos vemos en septiembre!



SPRIJIN SI DEZVOLTARE ASSOCIATION ROMANIA es el Coordinador y Solicitante del Proyecto y Digital es el Socio del Proyecto.

El objetivo del proyecto Youth Work 2.0 es facilitar el intercambio de competencias y experiencias entre 2 organizaciones de Rumanía y España para mejorar su calidad de trabajo juvenil, a través del desarrollo profesional de 12 jóvenes trabajadores, para ser agentes activos de inclusión, luchar contra la discriminación y fomentar el desarrollo de competencias sociales, cívicas e interculturales entre los jóvenes.


Inercia Digital holds sixth youth workers’ meeting and launches Youth Work 2.0´s educational workshops


As part of the development of the Youth Work 2.0 Euorpean project, yesterday Inercia Digital held its sixth online youth workers meeting in preparation for the launch of a series of educational youth workshops.

During the meeting details about the selection process for workshop participants were refined, the selection criteria was agreed upon and the promotional poster was created along with the registration form open to all young people aged between 15 and 30. Youth trainer Susana Corona supervised the tasks ahead for the sixth youth workers from Inercia Digital (María Fernández, Enrique Picón, Ana María Fortes, Laura Salgado, Jose Bermúdez y Cristina Romero) who will lead the upcoming workshops.

The workshops to be created by the six youth workers as part of the Youth Work 2.0 project seek to facilitate an encounter between youths from different social, educational and cultural backgrounds to exchange in a dynamic, safe, enriching and educational atmosphere to gain social, civic and intercultural competences through their participation in different non-formal education activities and games.

The workshops will take place over two consecutive days in September, during which participants will be equipped with new tools and educational methods that foster equality, inclusion, active participation as citizens in their communities’ social and political life, at local, regional, national and European level, while at the same fighting against discrimination, marginalisation and social exclusion. The project’s ultimate aim is for young people to become active agents of change in their communities.

We’d like to invite and encourage all young people aged between 15 and 30 to join the workshops in Huelva and register by filling this short form.

See you in September!




SPRIJIN SI DEZVOLTARE ASSOCIATION ROMANIA is the Project Coordinator and Applicant and Inercia Digital is the Project Partner.

The aim of the Youth Work 2.0 project is to facilitate the exchange of competences and experience between 2 organisations from Romania and Spain to improve their youth work quality, through the professional development of 12 youth workers, to be active agents of inclusion, to fight against discrimination and to foster the development of social, civic, intercultural competences among youths.


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Susana Corona

Senior Project Coordinator at Inercia Digital
Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

Susana Corona

Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

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