¡Incluye el desarrollo sociocultural y la protección del medio ambiente en los objetivos estratégicos de tu centro educativo!/ Include socio-cultural development and environmental protection in your educational centre’s strategic objectives!
Durante la semana del 17 al 21 de octubre 3 profesionales procedentes de Francia, del centro CENTRE SOCIAL JEAN FERRAT CULTURE ET ANIMATION junto con 7 profesionales desde Letonia del centro Valodu Mape, SIA, han asistido al curso Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Educational Organizations Valuing Eco-environmental and Social Dimensions of Development🍃, buscando aprender cómo incluir aspectos esenciales como el desarrollo cultural y social, incluyendo la protección del medio ambiente como punto clave, en los objetivos estratégicos institucionales.
Esta formación ha sido posible gracias a los proyectos de movilidad para profesionales del ámbito educativo Erasmus+ KA122, en concreto gracias a los proyectos «Promoting sustainability in Association Community through Digital Skills’ development» (KA122-ADU-FA6249BB) y «Valodu Mape enhancing Entrepreneurial and Innovation processes to face future challenges in education environments» (KA122-ADU-F016CE6D).
Además de todo el aprendizaje teórico-práctico, los asistentes han disfrutado de una experiencia cultural magnífica, puesto que además de las actividades propias del curso formativo, tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en las iniciativas y eventos organizados con motivo de la celebración de los Erasmus Days en Huelva, organizados por Inercia Digital en colaboración con el IES San Sebastián.
Sin duda, ha sido una semana magnífica, en la que hemos contado con unos grupos de participantes excepcionales.
¿Te gustaría asistir a una de nuestras formaciones? Visita nuestra página web, mira nuestro amplio catálogo de cursos y escríbenos a training@inerciadigital.com para informarte del sencillo proceso. Por último, ¡Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para no perderte nada!
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Include socio-cultural development and environmental protection in your educational centre’s strategic objectives!
During the week of 17-21 October, 3 professionals from France, from the CENTRE SOCIAL JEAN FERRAT CULTURE ET ANIMATION centre together with 7 professionals from Latvia from the centre Valodu Mape, SIA, have attended the course Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Educational Organizations Valuing Eco-environmental and Social Dimensions of Development🍃, seeking to learn how to include essential aspects such as cultural and social development, including environmental protection as a key point, in the institutional strategic objectives.
This training has been possible thanks to the Erasmus+ KA122 mobility projects for education professionals, specifically thanks to the projects «Promoting sustainability in Association Community through Digital Skills’ development» (KA122-ADU-FA6249BB) and «Valodu Mape enhancing Entrepreneurial and Innovation processes to face future challenges in education environments» (KA122-ADU-F016CE6D).
In addition to all the theoretical and practical learning, the attendees have enjoyed a magnificent cultural experience, since in addition to the activities of the training course, they had the opportunity to participate in the initiatives and events organized on the occasion of the celebration of the Erasmus Days in Huelva, organized by Inercia Digital in collaboration with IES San Sebastian.
Without a doubt, it has been a great week, in which we have had exceptional groups of participants.
Would you like to attend one of our trainings? Visit our website, take a look at our wide range of courses and write to us at training@inerciadigital.com to find out about the simple process. Finally, follow us on our social networks so you don’t miss anything!
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Cristina Romero
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