Los profesores y profesoras de inglés podrán usar las herramientas del proyecto ASSESS en sus clases // EFL teachers will have online tools of the project ASSESS to use in their classes

Del 14 al 16 de diciembre, Ana Fortes, directora de proyectos, José Bermúdez, coordinador tecnológico, Fernando Rubio, profesor en la Universidad de Huelva y Marta Morejón, profesora de inglés, asistieron a  actividades formativas del proyecto ASSESS. Este curso fue impartido por Action Synergy (Grecia) y estaba dirigido a profesorado de inglés como lengua extranjera. El curso incluyó diversas actividades prácticas que ayudaron a los socios y socias de EMG (Alemania), AEPC (Portugal), Inercia Digital (España) y Nicea (Turquía) a conocer las diferencias en la enseñanza y evaluación del inglés en los diferentes países.

Los diferentes temas trabajados en el curso fueron:

  • Problemas comunes y retos en la evaluación de inglés como lengua extranjera
  • Similitudes y diferencias en el currículo de inglés como lengua extranjera
  • Herramientas online para la enseñanza de inglés
  • Uso de los manuales de evaluación ASSESS
  • Uso del creador de exámenes ASSESS
  • Enseñanza creativa
  • Enseñanza del inglés a través del teatro

Los socios de Finlandia (Learnmera Oy) participaron de forma online para presentar el taller de enseñanza creativa y de herramientas online e Inercia Digital impartió el taller práctico de creador de exámenes y de herramientas online para la enseñanza del inglés. 

Todos/as los/as participantes disfrutaron de un curso interactivo, dinámico y enriquecedor. Agradecemos a Maria, Stelios, Kostas y el resto de trabajadores/as de Action Synergy su hospitalidad. 

Para saber más sobre otros proyectos europeos puedes visitar nuestra web y redes sociales:

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Inercia Digital S.L

From the 14th until the 16th of December, Ana Fortes, project manager, José Bermúdez tech coordinator, Fernando Rubio, teacher at  the University of Huelva and Marta Morejón, English teacher attended the training activity of the #ASSESS project . This course was taught by Action Synergy (Greece) and was targeted to English as Foreign Language teachers. The course included different practical activities that helped partners of EMG (Germany), AEPC (Porugal), Inercia Digital (Spain), and Nicea (Turkey) to know the differences in teaching and assessment of English language in the different countries.

The different topics treated during the course were:

  • Common problems and challenges in the assessment in EFL
  • EFL Curriculum-Similarities and differences in the partner countries
  • Online tools and resources for EFL teachers
  • Practical workshop on the content of the ASSESS Handbooks
  • Online Exam Creator-Presentation and Workshop
  • Creative Learning
  • Teaching EFL through theater


The partners from Finland (Learnmera Oy) participated in the workshop in an online way to present a creative teaching workshop and some online tools for EFL teachers, Inercia Digital presented the online exam creator workshop and some online tools.

All the partners enjoyed a dynamic,interactive and enriching course. We thank Maria, Stelios Kostas and the rest of workers of Action Synergy for their great hospitality.

From the 14th until the 16th of December, Ana Fortes, project manager, José Bermúdez tech coordinator, Fernando Rubio, teacher at  the University of Huelva and Marta Morejón, English teacher attended the training activity of the #ASSESS project . This course was taught by Action Synergy (Greece) and was targeted to English as Foreign Language teachers. The course included different practical activities that helped partners of EMG (Germany), AEPC (Porugal), Inercia Digital (Spain), and Nicea (Turkey) to know the differences in teaching and assessment of English language in the different countries.

The different topics treated during the course were:

  • Common problems and challenges in the assessment in EFL
  • EFL Curriculum-Similarities and differences in the partner countries
  • Online tools and resources for EFL teachers
  • Practical workshop on the content of the ASSESS Handbooks
  • Online Exam Creator-Presentation and Workshop
  • Creative Learning
  • Teaching EFL through theater

The partners from Finland (Learnmera Oy) participated in the workshop in an online way to present a creative teaching workshop and some online tools for EFL teachers, Inercia Digital presented the online exam creator workshop and some online tools.

All the partners enjoyed a dynamic,interactive and enriching course. We thank Maria, Stelios Kostas and the rest of workers of Action Synergy for their great hospitality.

To learn more about other European projects you can visit our website and social networks:

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Inercia Digital S.L

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Ana Mª Fortes Barral

Project Manager at Inercia Digital
Filóloga inglesa y amante de la lengua inglesa. Me encanta viajar, leer, la música y ver series. Interesada en conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones y países. English Philologist and lover of English literature. I love travelling, reading, listening to music and watching series. Interested in knowing new cultures, traditions and countries.

Ana Mª Fortes Barral

Filóloga inglesa y amante de la lengua inglesa. Me encanta viajar, leer, la música y ver series. Interesada en conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones y países. English Philologist and lover of English literature. I love travelling, reading, listening to music and watching series. Interested in knowing new cultures, traditions and countries.

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