Proyecto europeo “DIGIFARMER” celebra su cuarta reunión en Mikulov, República Checa // Fourth transnational meeting of European project DIGIFARMER takes place in Mikulov, Czech Republic

La cuarta reunión transnacional del proyecto europeo Erasmus+ “DIGIFARMER” (Developing Farmers’ Digital Skills) se celebró del pasado 18 a 19 de febrero en Mikulov, República Checa. Este proyecto innovador que busca acercar las competencias digitales básicas a los trabajadores del campo ha avanzado y está a punto de lanzar su plataforma de aprendizaje online.

Durante el encuentro, los 9 socios de 4 países (Inercia Digital de España, Euroform RFS de Italia, AKETH-DCT de Grecia, Institut pro trénink pohostinnosti de República Checa y de Turquía: Aydin Valiligi, Karpuzlu Ziraat Odası, Soke Zirai Uretim Isletmesi Tarimsal Yayim ve Hizmetici Egitim Merkezi Mudurlugu and Aydin Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi) repasamos los hitos logrados y planificamos los próximos pasos, ultimando los detalles para finalizar los contenidos del curso de formación.

Se presentó la estructura de la plataforma de e-learning, ya finalizada y se acordaron la secuencia de los módulos a subir y la distribución de tareas para que el contenido fuese interactivo. También se habló de la creación de la aplicación móvil del proyecto y se discutieron temas como la difusión del proyecto y la preparación de las sesiones formativas para los pilotos nacionales, donde se prevé dar formación a 25 agricultores de cada uno de los países participantes en los próximos meses.

Desde Inercia Digital asistió a la reunión la coordinadora de proyectos, Susana Corona Cruz, acompañada por Sara Navarro Real de Granja Escuela Cuna, nuestra colaboradora estratégica que nos ayudará a convocar a los 25 agricultores que participarán en el curso piloto del proyecto.

El próximo encuentro del consorcio será en junio y para entonces tendremos más noticias de su desarrollo, de los pilotos nacionales y los eventos multiplicadores que se harán después. Desde aquí extendemos nuestro agradecimiento a todos los socios por su participación y a los anfitriones de esta reunión de por su gran hospitalidad y organización.

Para mantenerte al tanto del proyecto y su desarrollo puedes seguir su página de Facebook y para saber más de los múltiples proyectos educativos de innovación en competencias digitales en los que participa Inercia Digital, visita nuestra página de Facebook y otras redes sociales.


Fourth transnational meeting of European project DIGIFARMER takes place in Mikulov, Czech Republic

The fourth transnational partners’ meeting of Erasmus+ European project “DIGIFARMER” (Developing Farmers’ Digital Skills) took place from 18th to 19th February in Mikulov, Czech Republic. This innovative project seeks to boost the digital skills of farmers and workers in the agriculture sector through a non-formal online learning programme that will help them acquire basic digital literacy.

The project is carried out by a partnership made up of 9 partners from 4 different countries ((Inercia Digital from Spain, Euroform RFS from Italy, AKETH-DCT from Greece, Institut pro trénink pohostinnosti from the Czech Republic and the following partners from Turkey: Aydin Valiligi, Karpuzlu Ziraat Odası, Soke Zirai Uretim Isletmesi Tarimsal Yayim ve Hizmetici Egitim Merkezi Mudurlugu and Aydin Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi).

During the meeting we went over the milestones reached so far, planned the next steps and agreed the final touches to finalise the contents of the online training course.

The structure of the e-learning platform was presented and partners agreed the sequence of modules to be uploaded and the distribution of tasks to make the online course more interactive. We also talked about the creation of a smartphone app for the project and discussed other important topics like dissemination and the arrangement of the national pilots to train 25 farmers from each of the participating countries sin the following month.

The project’s next meeting will be in June and by then we’ll have more news on its development, the national pilots and the multiplier events to follow.

Representing Inercia Digital, Project Coordinator Susana Corona Cruz was present at the meeting, accompanied by our national collaborator for the project, Sara Navarro Real, from Granja Escuela Cuna in Seville, who will help us source the 25 participants for the national pilot course.

From Inercia Digital we want to say thanks to all DIGIFARMER partners for their participation, especially to the hosts from Institut pro trénink pohostinnosti in Mikulov, for their warm welcome and excellent meeting organisation.

To keep up with the project’s development we invite you to follow its Facebook page and its soon-to-come official website. To find out about Inercia Digital’s multiple ongoing Erasmus+ projects follow our Facebook page and other social networks.


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Susana Corona

Senior Project Coordinator at Inercia Digital
Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

Susana Corona

Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

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