Convocatoria para trabajadores juveniles – Reuniones consultivas // Call for «Youth Work 2.0» participants in Consultative Meetings

Inercia Digital lanza una convocatoria para jóvenes con menos oportunidades que sufren marginación, organizaciones locales con experiencia en inclusión social, responsables de la toma de decisiones en el sector de la juventud, representantes del sistema educativo y formadores con experiencia en el trabajo juvenil y la inclusión social para participar en una reunión consultiva entre abril y junio del 2019.

El objetivo de la reunión es identificar las medidas, métodos y buenas prácticas que la organización utiliza para llegar a los jóvenes marginados y para prevenir la discriminación, el racismo y la intolerancia a través de:

  • Medios accesibles de comunicación y distribución de información para llegar a los jóvenes marginados
  • Medidas y actividades que se utilizaron para prevenir la marginación, la exclusión social y la discriminación entre los jóvenes
  • Desafíos que los jóvenes con menos oportunidades tienen en relación con: accesibilidad de actividades no formales para: procedimientos administrativos, de información proporcionada por las organizaciones, accesibilidad web; participar en actividades juntamente con y sin menos oportunidades; discriminación y exclusión social.

Para participar en esta reunión por favor envíenos un e-mail a Susana Corona Cruz,  hasta el 25.03.2019.



SPRIJIN SI DEZVOLTARE ASSOCIATION ROMANIA es el Coordinador y Solicitante del Proyecto e Inercia Digital es el Socio del Proyecto.



Call for «Youth Work 2.0» participants in Consultative Meetings

Inercia Digital is launching a call for youths with fewer opportunities experimenting marginalisation, local organisations with experience in social inclusion, decision-makers representing the Youth sector, representative of the Education system, and trainers with experience in youth work and social inclusion to participate in a consultative meeting between April – June 2019.

The aim of the meeting is to identify measures, methods and good practice that the organisation uses to reach marginalised young people and in preventing discrimination, racism and intolerance through:

  • Accessible means of communication and distribution of information to reach the marginalised youths
  • Measures and activities that were used to prevent marginalisation, social exclusion and discrimination among youth
  • Challenges that youths with fewer opportunities have regarding access to non-formal activities for administrative procedures, the information provided by the organisations, web accessibility; participating in activities jointly with youth with and without fewer opportunities; experiencing discrimination and social exclusion.

In order to participate in this meeting please send us an e-mail to Susana Corona Cruz, until 25.03.2019.



SPRIJIN SI DEZVOLTARE ASSOCIATION ROMANIA is the Project Coordinator and Applicant and Inercia Digital is the Project Partner.

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Susana Corona

Senior Project Coordinator at Inercia Digital
Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

Susana Corona

Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

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1 respuesta

  1. 21/05/2020

    […] veníamos anunciando anteriormente, en las últimas dos semanas Inercia Digital organizó 2 reuniones consultivas con el fin de […]

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