Categoría: Novedades Inercia Digital


Teaching about «Assessing training activities, using WEB 2.0. tools» for INTEMPO participants : )

During this week, Borja Vides is teaching the course «Assessing training activities, using WEB 2.0. tools» in El Rompido School (Andalusia)  for participants of the INTEMPO project. This course is on the framework of INTEMPO...


Inercia Digital has participated in the conferences of Employability in Secondary School Juan Ramón Jiménez // Participamos en las jornadas de Empleabilidad en el I.E.S. Juan Ramón Jiménez

Inercia Digital has participated in the conferences of Employability in Secondary School Juan Ramón Jiménez. On April 6th and 7th, it was held the conference “Internet and Social Networks for Employability” at Secondary School Juan...


Inercia Digital ha firmado dos Convenios Marco de Colaboración con CPIIA y con COITI / Inercia Digital has signed two Agreements Collaboration Framework with CPIIA and COITI

En este año 2015 Inercia Digital ha firmado dos Convenios Marco de colaboración con el Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Andalucía (CPIIA) y con el Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Huelva (...