Categoría: Innovación


Inercia Digital your experienced and committed partner for Innovation Partnerships // Inercia Digital tu socio experimentado y comprometido para Alianzas para la Innovación

Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialized in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level. With a strong focus on European collaboration, from Inercia Digital we hope to continue...


Inercia Digital your committed and experienced partner for the CERV programme! // ¡Inercia Digital, su socio comprometido y experimentado para el programa CERV!

Within the programme «Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values» (CERV) is the call for proposals to promote knowledge, training and implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights by civil society organisations (CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI).  This call...


LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Sub-programme: A Key Opportunity for Conservation in Europe // Subprograma LIFE Naturaleza y Biodiversidad: Una Oportunidad Clave para la Conservación en Europa

The Nature and Biodiversity sub-programme has as its main mission the protection and restoration of Europe’s nature, as well as halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity. This sub-programme, part of the LIFE programme,...


📢 Exciting Opportunity for partnering with Inercia Digital: Horizon Europe Call «Expanding Academia-Enterprise Collaborations»! 🚀

We are thrilled to announce that the Horizon Europe call «Expanding Academia-Enterprise Collaborations» is now open! 🌐This action aims to foster the creation and strengthening of innovation ecosystems by connecting educational and research institutions...


Inercia Digital your committed partner for the CERV programme! // ¡Inercia Digital su socio comprometido para el programa CERV!

Currently within the programme «Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values» (CERV), the call for proposals CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HISTMIGRATION is open, focusing on migration, decolonisation and European multicultural societies. This call addresses crucial issues such as migration and...


Interest in collaboration on the Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children

Through the programme ‘Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values’ (‘CERV’) and more specifically the ‘Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children’ the European Commission wants to provide an adequate...


Are you looking for partners for the CERV call “Rights of the child and children’s participation”?// ¿Buscas socios para la convocatoria CERV “Rights of the child and children’s participation”?

🇪🇺Under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), the European Commission has launched a call for proposals aimed at advancing comprehensive policies to protect and promote the rights of children. The call “Rights...


¿Conoces las tendencias actuales y las herramientas que apoyan la innovación educativa? ¡En Inercia Digital ayudamos a difundirlas! // ¿Do you know the actual trends and tools supporting educational innovation? At Inercia Digital we help spreading them!

La innovación educativa fomenta la creatividad en todas las personas que conforman los sistemas y ámbitos educativos y prepara a los y las estudiantes para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI. Además, promueve la...