Presentando el informe de impacto de nuestro proyecto europeo Youth Work 2.0 // European project Youth Work 2.0’s impact report is ready!

A semanas de llegar a su fin, nuestro proyecto europeo Erasmus+ de juventud, Youth Work 2.0 presenta su Informe de Impacto final, detallando todo lo conseguido hasta ahora, sus hitos, resultados y todos los logros obtenidos a lo largo de sus dos años de duración.

Lee el Informe de Impacto completo en español haciendo clic aquí,

O aquí para descargar la versión original en inglés.

El informe de impacto del proyecto de juventud Youth Work 2.0 contiene un desglose de lo que se ha hecho durante el proyecto y como ha sido su impacto, los resultados del proyecto, sus principales beneficiarios, a quiénes ha llegado y cómo, los objetivos que se han ido cumpliendo a lo largo del mismo y los productos intelectuales que se han desarrollado y los cuales están ahora disponibles de manera gratuita a través de su sitio web y su plataforma de aprendizaje online.

Paso por paso, el informe ilustra los hitos de manera clara y concisa, desde los Recursos de Libre Acceso disponibles en la plataforma de enseñanza virtual del proyecto con su curso de formación abierto y vídeos animados, hasta la publicación de un libro conteniendo el resultado de una investigación llevada a cabo en España y Rumanía para indagar en los mejores métodos para llegar a los jóvenes marginados, el manual para educadores con los 21 nuevos métodos innovadores de educación no formal y el juego de mesa para ayudar a los jóvenes a adquirir competencias sociales, cívicas, políticas, interpersonales e interculturales de manera divertida e interactiva.

¡Échale un vistazo a todo pinchando aquí!


European project Youth Work 2.0’s impact report is ready!

Mere weeks away from coming to an end, we’re delighted to share our European Erasmus + Youth Work 2.0 project’s Impact Report, detailing everything the project has achieved so far and how it has impacted beneficiaries.

To read the full Impact Report click here.

The Impact Report contains a breakdown of what has been done during the project and the impact it has had among its target group, the results of the project, how it has reached its main beneficiaries, the aims and objectives that have been fulfilled throughout its duration and the intellectual outputs that have been developed and which are now available for FREE through its website and its online learning platform.

The report illustrates the project’s milestones in a clear and concise way, from Open Educational Resources (OER) available on the project’s E-learning platform with its open training course and animated videos, to the publication of a E-book containing the results of research carried at European level and more specifically in Spain and Romania, to investigate the best methods to efficiently reach marginalized young people, the youth workers’ handbook with 21 new non-formal education methods and the board game to help young people acquire social, civic, political, interpersonal and intercultural skills in a fun and interactive way.

Take a peep and find out more about everything created and the full impact here!

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Susana Corona

Senior Project Coordinator at Inercia Digital
Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

Susana Corona

Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

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