Primer encuentro transnacional del proyecto Erasmus+ KA2 “EliCCon” // Erasmus+ KA2 project EliCCon kicks off in Rastatt

Entre el 21 y el 24 de noviembre del pasado año se celebró el primer encuentro del proyecto europeo Erasmus+ KA2 European Lived Culture Connects “EliCCon” en Rastatt, Alemania.

El proyecto, coordinado por European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign de Alemania, cuenta con la participación de ALVIT-Innovation and Education (República Checa), Praxis Europe (Reino Unido) e Inercia Digital (España).

El proyecto europeo “EliCCon” tiene como principal objetivo dar a conocer la cultura, tradiciones y valores entre los distintos países de la Unión Europea y de este modo fomentar el apoyo a la diversidad de culturas europeas y la aceptación de estas para que, de este modo, todos los países puedan ver su cultura como algo único dentro del contexto de convivencia con varias culturas diferentes.

EliCCon tendrá una duración de 24 meses en los cuales se analizará la cultura de los distintos países participantes, junto con la multiculturalidad que se encuentra dentro de dicho país, a través de fotografías, vídeos, exhibiciones públicas y presentaciones que se realizarán por los miembros de los países participantes.

El objetivo principal de este primer encuentro era crear el primer contacto personal entre los socios del proyecto, discutir los pasos que se van a llevar a cabo para la correcta realización del proyecto, así como asistir a la primera exposición cultural, en la que se presentaron fotos realizadas por los miembros del proyecto y se explicaron las distintas tradiciones que estas imágenes representaban, así como su impacto dentro de la cultura de cada país.

Desde aquí queremos agradecer a European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign por su esfuerzo, dedicación y hospitalidad, así como al resto de los socios del proyecto por su profesionalidad y participación en el proyecto. Si quieres saber más acerca del proyecto EliCCon y los futuros eventos planificados como parte del desarrollo de estre proyecto multicultural, puedes visitar su página de Facebook y la página web del proyecto, así como nuestra página Facebook y nuestra página web.


Erasmus+ KA2 project EliCCon kicks off in Rastatt


From 21st to 24th of October the first meeting of the Erasmus + KA2 European project  European Lived Culture Connects «EliCCon» took place in Rastatt, Germany.

The project, coordinated by European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign (Germany) has the joint participation of partners from ALVIT-Innovation and Education (Czech Republic), Praxis Europe (United Kingdom) and Inercia Digital (Spain)

The main objective of the «EliCCon» European project is to raise awareness of the different cultures, traditions and values coexisting in the many countries that make up the European Union and, in this way, support and promote acceptance of the diversity of cultures so that all countries can see their culture as something unique within the context of coexistence with several different cultures.

The KA2 European project will last 24 months during which the culture of the different participating countries will be explored, alongside the multiculturalism found within that country through a series of photographs, videos, live exhibitions and presentations that will be carried out by the members from each country.

The main objective of this first meeting in Rastatt was to facilitate face-to-face contact between the partners, discuss the next steps to ensure smooth project development, as well as attend the project’s first cultural exhibition showcasing a series of photographs taken by the project partners with an explanation of the different traditions and customs that these images illustrated, as well as their impact within the culture of each participating country.

From Inercia Digital we’d like to extend our thanks to European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign for their effort, dedication and hospitality in Rastatt, as well as the rest of the project partners for their professionalism, cooperation and participation in this cultural European project full of enriching exchanges.

If you want to learn more about the EliCCon project and future events and cultural exhibitions, you can visit its Facebook page and official website, as well as our Facebook page and website where you can also find information on the other European projects we actively participate in.

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Susana Corona

Senior Project Coordinator at Inercia Digital
Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

Susana Corona

Author of a travel guide and former travel blogger who once upon a time graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Business Degree specialising in Marketing. A citizen of the world, Cuban by birth, British national and now a Spanish resident with a multi-national approach to a nomad lifestyle with destination unknown. Nowadays I enjoy participating in innovative European projects with Inercia Digital and learning the ins and outs of the education sector at national and European level.

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