📣Calling All Newcomer Organisations: Collaborate with Inercia Digital for the Erasmus+ KA210 Call!

🌍Are you a newcomer organization eager to dive into the world of Erasmus+? Inercia Digital is an experienced VET center (Vocational Training for Employment) in Andalusia (Spain) officially accredited by our regional government and specialised in training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills at European and international level. 🇪🇺 For the upcoming Erasmus+ KA210 call this October, Inercia Digital is preparing small-scale proposals and searching for organisations with little or no experience in the Erasmus+ programme interested to be involved in innovative proposals that transversally address digital transformation in the field of education and training .

Why Participate in KA210? 🌐Small-scale Partnerships are designed to widen access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. The main objectives of this action are to attract and widen access for newcomers, less experienced organisations and small-scale actors to the programme, support the inclusion of target groups with fewer opportunities and support active European citizenship and bring the European dimension to the local level.

If your organisation meets the profile sought, do not hesitate to contact Inercia Digital at innovation@inerciadigital.com 📧 We will get in touch with you immediately to give you further information as well as clarify any question you may have in relation to participating in the Erasmus+ KA210 call with us. 🚀 Let’s partner together to contribute successfully to the field of education and training at European level!

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Maite Guerrero Giráldez

Trabajando en el Departamento de Innovación de Inercia Digital. Soy una apasionada de la lengua inglesa y me encanta viajar. Amante de los animales. Working in the Innovation Department of Inercia Digital. I am passionate about English language and I love travelling. Animal lover.

Maite Guerrero Giráldez

Trabajando en el Departamento de Innovación de Inercia Digital. Soy una apasionada de la lengua inglesa y me encanta viajar. Amante de los animales. Working in the Innovation Department of Inercia Digital. I am passionate about English language and I love travelling. Animal lover.

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