Apply for an Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility with Inercia Digital and boost your digital and entrepreneurial skills!

If you are part of the professional team of a centre of formal education or collaborate with an organization for adult training in the non-formal sphere, this may interest you!

Erasmus+ Key Action (KA1) learning mobility projects allow teachers, trainers and other educational staff of formal and non-formal education to carry out learning mobilities in their selected field, with totally or partially financed training stays. A new call has just opened in some countries (1) and we can help you apply for it!  

Inercia Digital is a Spanish VET centre (Vocational Training for Employment) in Andalusia, officially accredited by our regional government, and it offers 5-days training courses to improve the Digital and Entrepreneurial skills of teachers, trainers and other educational staff, which have become essential in today’s global context.

In addition, our transdisciplinary team has extensive experience in the elaboration of Erasmus+ projects, so we can facilitate the application process for you, providing individualized assistance in every step of the way, to help your institution submit the Erasmus+ KA1 project for free! The only requirement is that our organization appears as a training provider of the requested training. Here you can find more information about our organization and consult our course catalogue.

In summary, five-day learning mobilities, to boost your Digital or Entrepreneurial Skills with Inercia Digital, FULLY FINANCED! If you are interested in participating or want to know more about Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobilities or Inercia Digital, send us an email to or complete this short form. We are sure that we can create great things together, don’t let this opportunity pass!

(1) Applications opened in the following countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia and Slovakia for schools and adult education. In Romania, Croatia and Serbia applications opened only for adult education. In Poland applications opened for schools.

 Inercia Digital



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 Inercia Digital S.L.

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