Do you want to boost your Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills with Erasmus+ KA1 opportunities? We tell you how!!

Erasmus+ KA1 offers schools and other organisations active in the field of formal, non-formal or informal education the opportunity to improve the qualifications of their staff with learning mobilities in a different country. Projects under this programme have a duration of 12-24 months and are completely funded by the EU, so they are specially recommended for inexperienced organisations who want to broaden their horizons and gain international experience.  

Why and how to apply with Inercia Digital?

Inercia Digital is a VET centre from Spain specialized in the promotion of Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills in education. We have designed 17 courses in these competences taking into account the needs of teachers and students alike to thrive in today’s world. Up until now, we have taught more than 90 courses and hosted more than 1135 participants from 18 European countries.

If you are interested in taking part in KA1 projects and attending our courses, we can also write a project that fits your organisation’s needs, totally free of charge. The steps to follow are the following:

Step 1. Send us your organisation’s PIF. (Here you can find a template here)

Step 2. Select the 2 courses that best fits your staff’s needs. We have designed 17 courses to promote Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills. Or if you prefer, we can create a personalized course, adapted to your training needs.

Step 3. Tell us the number of staff that you would like to involve in each course. (We set a minimum of 5 participants per course)

Step 4. Once we have all this information we will be ready to start writing your project, which we will send you later with all the necessary documentation to apply.

Once the project is approved, you will be able to come to sunny Andalusia and enjoy an enriching training experience with us!

If you want to participate or want more information, don’t hesitate to contact our training team at or fill out this short form and we will contact you as soon as possible!

 Inercia Digital



Inercia Digital


 Inercia Digital S.L

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