Partners search: looking for european schools

We are looking for a school or adult education center interested in our proposal Digital School project. “European Digital School: efficient integration of ICT in schools” for ka2. ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. First, teachers still believe that insufficient ICT equipment is the biggest obstacle to ICT (leer más)

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Erasmus+ Course for European teachers: E-learning Platforms and Resources

The Erasmus+ Course «E-learning Platforms and Resources» for European teachers  is going to be held in March in the Technological and Scientific Park of Huelva ( Andalusia) by Inercia Digital. This course is included on the Program Digital School of the Erasmus+ Andalucía School (Ka1) and the duration of the Course «E-learning Platforms and Resources» (leer más)

Kickoff meeting for INTEMPO in Romania // Primer encuentro del proyecto INTEMPO en Rumanía

Last week we went to Alba Iulia, in the historical region of Transylvania, to participate in the first meeting for the project INTEMPO (2015-1-RO01-KA202-015178). INTEMPO aims to improve the teaching methodology in the field of mechatronics, which blends the skills of a large range of engineering disciplines, like mechanic, electronics and programming. For this the (leer más)

Adult Education Staff Mobility

Recently I was “fighting“ with an Adult Education Staff Mobility project, so I have decided to write something more about it, to let you know what it is, which activities are covered and how to apply. Adult Education Staff Mobility is a mobility under the Erasmus+ programme KA1. This kind of mobility usually means you (leer más)


VIDEOJUEGOS CON TICs QUE SE PUEDEN USAR EN CLASE          Las TICs pueden usarse en una amplia variedad de actividades llevadas en clase. Estas actividades fomentan la participación, la cooperación entre compañeros, la disposición del alumnado, y además, el interés por esas asignaturas que a veces nos pueden pesar más que otras. Además, incentiva la creatividad, (leer más)

Desarrolla tus habilidades auditivas con LyricsTraining / Develop your hearing abilities with LyricsTrainig

Desarrolla tus habilidades auditivas en otro idioma con LyricsTraining LyricsTraining es una página que ofrece a sus usuarios una divertida forma de reforzar la comprensión auditiva de una lengua extranjera, la cual no tiene porque necesariamente ser el idioma universal o inglés, pues está disponible en 10 idiomas diferentes: inglés, español, portugués, francés, italiano, alemán, (leer más)