Autor: Jose Manuel Luna Huertas
Erasmus+ Andalucía School Erasmus+ Andalucía School is a Training Programme organised by Inercia Digital S.L. This programme comes up with a double aim: on the one hand, we offer training courses to improve and...
Begins the countdown for the start of the course. You can still sign up. We started on Monday May 9 confirmed with the assistance of a group of teachers from Malta (Maria Regina College,...
Inercia Digital is already preparing the new course which will be held in May, Course multimedia content for e-learning training project The Aims of the Course are to train personnel and teachers from educational...
On April 18 began the course Creativity in Teaching and Learning using ICT- The Digital Classroom The seminars will be taught in the training classroom of Inercia Digital, located in the Technological Park...
Coming in April we expect the arrival of the assistants to the course Creativity in Teaching and Learning using ICT- The Digital Classroom The seminars will be taught in the training classroom of Inercia...
The next week will be held in Huelva the course E-learning Platforms and Resources for a group of primary school. This course is included on the Program Digital School of the Erasmus+ Andalucía School (Ka1) This...
This week is celebrating in Huelva the course Personal Learning Environments (PLE) for a group of primary school teachers from Macedonia and Poland. This course is included on the Program Digital School of the...
En el úlimo post estuve hablando de la importancia de usar plataformas de teleformación para nuestros cursos, y concretamente sobre Moodle. En este post vamos a tratar de describir al tutor en estos entornos...
Moodle es un paquete de software para la creación de cursos y sitios Web basados en Internet, que se distribuye gratuitamente como Software libre (Open Source, bajo la Licencia Pública GNU ). Es un...
Cada vez más las redes sociales forman parte de la vida cotidiana de vuestros alumnos y alumnas, es por eso que quiero daros estas recomendaciones de cómo usarlas y que formen parte de vuestro...