Do you have an Erasmus + KA1 grant?

logo erasmus+ andalucia schoolErasmus+ Andalucía School

Erasmus+ Andalucía School is a Training Programme organised by Inercia Digital S.L. This programme comes up with a double aim: on the one hand, we offer training courses to improve and increase the competences of European teachers and students; and on the other hand, we work on the promotion of Erasmus Plus programme among Andalusian teachers and students.

Based on non-formal learning, with a learning-by-doing approach: receiving theoretical basis through practical sessions. Every training course will have a section about e-learning to encourage digital competences. Courses will be adapted to attendees (School/VET/University/Adults Education).

Digital School

– Digital information management for educational use

– Personal Learning Environments (PLE)

– Teaching Strategies for E-learning

– E-learning Platforms and Resources

– Starting your School’s e-Learning Plan

– Digital school in Erasmus+

– Social Media for teachers

– Digital skills and web tools 2.0 applied to education

– Use of Google Suite for educators and staff

Erasmus+ School

– Erasmus+ Schools

– Erasmus+ for Higher Education Institutions

– Dissemination and Social Media for Erasmus+ Projects

– Erasmus+ Project Coordinator

Flamenco School

– A didactic approach to “Flamenco”

– Technical basis: Rhythm and measure of Flamenco

– Sevillanas dance as a teaching resource

– Musical Composition and Instruments of Flamenco

Spanish School

– Fluency &Spanish Language Development for Teachers (I)

– Fluency &Spanish Language Development for Teachers (II)

– Andalusian Culture: El Rompido fishing village

– Andalusian Culture: Sevilla monumental city

Inercia Digital has instituted the ISO 29990:2010 in every course and service of formation (specific norm of quality for the suppliers of learning services of non-formal education and formation). Introduced as a result of CooperActive(Agreement no. 2014-1044/001-001) -Erasmus+ Ka2 Project-Capacity Building in the field of Youth Project (2015).

For more info please contact:

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Jose Manuel Luna Huertas

Responsable del departamento de formación. at Inercia Digital
Máster en Formación y Enseñanza E-Learning. Experto en Web 2.0 para PYMES.

Jose Manuel Luna Huertas

Máster en Formación y Enseñanza E-Learning. Experto en Web 2.0 para PYMES.

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