Short-Term Training in Spain for the Useful, Usability and Disposability Project

The Short-Term Training on E-learning Platforms for the Useful, Usability and Disposability project took place on the 17th to the 21st of March and served not only to consolidate the knowledge of the partners on the use of the platform during the development of the project, but also to set straight the path for all the tasks that need to be done until the next meeting.


The training

The project, of which we’ve already talk about here, addresses the issue of plastic invasion of our communities and households with a purpose to bring the message of a safe and healthy environment closer to the citizens through civic education enabled by land art installation.

During their stay, our friends were able to visit Huelva and Seville and enjoy the weather and the crowded and cheerful streets of the Easter.

Plaza de España, Sevilla.

Plaza de España, Sevilla.

From Inercia Digital we would like to thank everyone of them for their kindness and hard work and hope that their stay was enjoyable.

You can follow our Mr Organicy page on Facebook for more news.

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Borja V. Muñoz

Head of Technology Development at Inercia Digital S.L.
Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

Borja V. Muñoz

Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

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1 respuesta

  1. 06/04/2016

    […] resultado de lo acordado en el curso de formación que impartimos para los socios del proyecto Useful, Usability and Disposability a mediados de […]

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