Mandamos nuestro apoyo a Ucrania y pedimos el fin de la guerra // We send our support to Ukraine and we ask for the end of the war.

Desde Inercia Digital nos consterna enormemente la situación que están viviendo actualmente en Ucrania. Después de 11 años participando en  proyectos educativos y de innovación,, viajando por países europeos, aprendiendo de expertos, conociendo nuevas culturas, nuevas personas, socios y socias de cada rincón de Europa, nos entristece el  duro conflicto que están viviendo nuestros socios/as ucranianos, así como la horrible situación de los países limítrofes y la dureza de la migración de tantos refugiados/as.

Apoyamos la paz, la democracia y el fin de la guerra y apostamos por  la cooperación internacional y el intercambio cultural. Deseamos enormemente poder volver a un un contexto de normalidad y paz donde entre todos, unidos, podamos seguir aprendiendo y creciendo como personas libres, avanzando en esta sociedad, y contribuyendo en el desarrollo de proyectos sociales junto con los socios y socias de Ucrania y demás países europeos.

Queremos mandar ánimos y fuerza a nuestros socios del proyecto Cabriolet con los que nos reunimos en  Kharkov (Ucrania) en 2014 para el lanzamiento del proyecto TEMPUS CABRIOLET (Model-Oriented Approach and Intelligent Knowledge-Based System for Evolvable Academia-Industry Cooperation in Electronic and Computer Engineering). Estamos a vuestra disposición estimados socios/as y amigos/as de:  National Aerospace University «KhAI», Odessa National Polytechnic University, Chernihiv State Technological University, Sumy State University, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Sevastopol National Technical University, Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Science of UA, Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine, SealPoint LTD and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, y deseamos que este suceso tenga fin lo antes posible y todo vuelva a la normalidad.

We send our support to Ukraine and we ask for the end of the war.

At Inercia Digital, we are very afflicted by the situation that is being lived in Ukraine. After 11 years participating in educational and innovative projects, learning from specialists, traveling around European countries, knowing new cultures, new people, partners from every place in Europe. It is very sad for us the tough conflict that our Ukrainian partners are facing, as well as the horrible situation of the bordering countries and the harsh reality of migration of many refugees.

We support peace, democracy  and the end of the war, we put faith in international cooperation and cultural exchange. Our huge desire is to get back to a context of normality and peace where everyone, united, can continue learning and growing as free people, advanced in this society, and contributing to the development of social projects together with Ukrainian partners and the rest of European countries.

We want to send our support and strength to our partners from the project TEMPUS Cabriolet, with whom we met in Kharkov (Ukraine) in 2014 for the launch of the project. (Model-Oriented Approach and Intelligent Knowledge-Based System for Evolvable Academia-Industry Cooperation in Electronic and Computer Engineering). We are at your disposal dear partners and friends of National Aerospace University «KhAI», Odessa National Polytechnic University, Chernihiv State Technological University, Sumy State University, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Sevastopol National Technical University, Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Science of UA, Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine, SealPoint LTD and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and we hope that this success ends as soon as possible.

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Ana Mª Fortes Barral

Project Manager at Inercia Digital
Filóloga inglesa y amante de la lengua inglesa. Me encanta viajar, leer, la música y ver series. Interesada en conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones y países. English Philologist and lover of English literature. I love travelling, reading, listening to music and watching series. Interested in knowing new cultures, traditions and countries.

Ana Mª Fortes Barral

Filóloga inglesa y amante de la lengua inglesa. Me encanta viajar, leer, la música y ver series. Interesada en conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones y países. English Philologist and lover of English literature. I love travelling, reading, listening to music and watching series. Interested in knowing new cultures, traditions and countries.

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