Third Transnational Meeting for EURspace Project in Piatra Neamt, Romania

4th and 5th of October were the days chosen for the third transnational meeting for the project EURspace. The meeting was celebrated in Piatra Neamt, in the north of Romania, in the installations of the Technical School Gheorghe Cartianu.


The EURspace (European IVT Recognition Gateway) aims to contribute for the development of a European area of skills and qualifications through the development of a European Platform that provides support to ensure the recognition, validation, attribution of credits and certification of Initial Vocational Training units, applied within other European countries, allowing the combination of theoretical and practical approaches, therefore extending the national scale to the European scale.

During the meeting the partners addressed the problem of the common points between the curricula of all the countries, key point to develop this project. We also discussed the road the platform we have to develop should take in order to make it as functional and attractive as possible.

From Inercia Digital we want to thank our hosts from Gheorghe Cartianu for their great hospitality and care during our days in Piatra Neamt.

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Borja V. Muñoz

Head of Technology Development at Inercia Digital S.L.
Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

Borja V. Muñoz

Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

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