Finished the trainings of February for KA1 at Inercia Digital


At primary school Marismas del Odiel, where the staff showed us how they worked there.


The class for Digital Information Management for Educational Use

Last Saturday was the last day of the training for the courses Personal Learning Environments (PLE) and Digital Information Management for Educational Use for the Fundacja Archipelag Innowacji Spolecznych and SSOU MOSA PIJADE-Tetovo that we started on 20 of February.


At El Rompido beach.

Both courses worked on developing the technological skills of the teachers on different levels, from a basic one on how to use cloud tools to collaboratively edit and share documents to learning how to develop multimedia solutions.

We also had a cultural programme where our guests could taste the traditional food from our city, as well as enjoying the coast, discovering the history of the city and experiencing first-hand a Flamenco spectable.

We’d like to thank both groups for the great interest they had during the training and the healthy environment they created around all the activities proposed.


The class for Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

If you’re interested in participating in an European project with us you can contact us at We also have our course catalogue with our offering for KA1 projects.

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Borja V. Muñoz

Head of Technology Development at Inercia Digital S.L.
Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

Borja V. Muñoz

Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

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