Categoría: Proyectos Europeos


Inercia Digital, the value-added partner you need for your CERV proposal! // Inercia Digital, ¡el socio de valor añadido que necesita para su propuesta CERV!

Inercia Digital is interested in participating in the call of the CERV programme “Rights of the child and children’s participation” because we are deeply committed to promote the well-being and social inclusion of vulnerable...


Are you looking for a partner for ‘Teacher Academies’ that is a leader in educational innovation and digitalisation? // ¿Buscas un socio para “Academias de Profesores” que sea líder en innovación y digitalización educativa?

Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialised in digital transformation, entrepreneurship and advanced digital learning tools in the field of education and training. With a solid experience, we have participated in...


🚀 Inercia Digital: Your Ideal Partner for the Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation // 🚀 Inercia Digital: Tu Socio Ideal para las Alianzas para la Innovación de Erasmus+ 🤝

💻 Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialized in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level. We believe that we are the suitable partners for the Erasmus+ Alliances...


Inercia Digital your experienced and committed partner for Innovation Partnerships // Inercia Digital tu socio experimentado y comprometido para Alianzas para la Innovación

Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialized in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level. With a strong focus on European collaboration, from Inercia Digital we hope to continue...


Teacher Academies: An opportunity to lead educational innovation together with Inercia Digital // Academias de Profesores: Una oportunidad para liderar la innovación educativa junto a Inercia Digital

The overall aim of the Teacher Academies is to create European partnerships of teacher education institutions and training providers that develop a European and international perspective on teacher education. These Academies should develop teacher...


Boost the future with Inercia Digital: the best partner for Alliances for Innovation // Impulsa el futuro con Inercia Digital: el mejor socio para las Alianzas para la Innovación

Alliances for Innovation will put in place a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, which will be tailored to the future evolution of knowledge across the EU. To boost innovation, the...


🚨 The Cooperation Partnerships Call for 2025 is now OPEN! // ¡Ya está ABIERTA la Convocatoria de Asociaciones de Cooperación 2025! 🚨

👩‍💻 Inercia Digital as a VET centre, we specialise in digital and entrepreneurial skills at an international level. From our facilities located in Huelva, Andalusia we offer training courses in both digital and entrepreneurial...

The time has come to start working together in the call “Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)» // Ha llegado el momento de empezar a trabajar juntos en la convocatoria «Creación de capacidades en el ámbito de la educación y formación profesionales (EFP)» 0

The time has come to start working together in the call “Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)» // Ha llegado el momento de empezar a trabajar juntos en la convocatoria «Creación de capacidades en el ámbito de la educación y formación profesionales (EFP)»

The main objectives of this call which is open until 27 February 2025 are: To develop the capacity of VET providers to strengthen cooperation between private and public stakeholders in the field of vocational...


🌍 Ready to build a stronger educational future together? // ¿Listos para construir juntos un futuro educativo más fuerte? 🚀

The Erasmus+ call ‘Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)’ is open until 6 February 2025 and supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education. Under...