Autor: Maite Guerrero Giráldez


Successful participation of Inercia Digital as a speaker in the event Partner for DIGITAL Skills of the Digital Europe Programme! // ¡Exitosa participación de Inercia Digital como ponente en el evento Partner for DIGITAL Skills (Socio para las COMPETENCIAS Digitales) del Programa Europa Digital!

On 1st December, Inercia Digital successfully participated as a speaker in the event Partner for DIGITAL Skills. This event was aimed at presenting three calls of the Advanced Digital Skills, the 4th Objective  of...


Inercia Digital, a key partner for the Erasmus proposals “Civil Society Cooperation: Education and Training” // Inercia Digital, un socio clave para las propuestas Erasmus “Civil Society Cooperation: Education and Training” (Cooperación de la sociedad civil: Educación y Formación)

Since its inception in 2010, Inercia Digital is an Andalusian company that focuses mainly on training in digital skills and entrepreneurship at European level. Specialised in ICT and being a Vocational Training centre, we...


Exitosa participación de Inercia Digital en el evento europeo ‘Good practices for inclusive digitization’ // Successful participation of Inercia Digital in the European event ‘Good practices for inclusive digitization’

El día 26 de octubre, Inercia Digital participó como ponente en el webinar europeo ‘Good practices for inclusive digitalization’ presentando el proyecto europeo Erasmus+ Efivos. Este webinar, organizado por European Network of Innovation for...


Inercia Digital asiste al evento «Digital Expert Business Breakfast» sobre competencias digitales e innovación // Inercia Digital attends the event “Digital Expert Business Breakfast” on digital competences and innovation

El 6 de julio, el Departamento de Innovación de Inercia Digital asistió al evento “Digital Expert Business Breakfast” con el objetivo de conocer más sobre el proyecto 2BDigital y lo que este ofrece. El...



Inercia Digital is a Spanish VET center which is specialized in the promotion of digital and entrepreneurial skills with extensive international and European experience. We are experts on ICT components (eplatforms, apps, robotics, etc.)....


Are you looking for a technological partner to apply for a project under Erasmus+ in the field of Sport?//¿Busca un socio tecnológico para su propuesta Erasmus + Sport?

Are you looking for a technological partner to apply for a project under Erasmus+ in the field of Sport?   We are a Spanish VET centre (Vocational Training for Employment) in Andalusia officially accredited...


Are you looking for a reliable partner for your Erasmus+ KA2 proposal? // ¿Buscas un socio de confianza para tu propuesta Erasmus+ KA2?

Are you looking for a reliable partner for your Erasmus+ KA2 proposal?  Inercia Digital is a Spanish vocational training centre dedicated to the promotion of digital and entrepreneurial skills with extensive international and European...


¡Inercia Digital apoya el Pacto Verde Europeo a través de la propuesta GreenHG! // Inercia Digital supports the European Green Deal through the proposal GreenHG!

 ¡Inercia Digital apoya el Pacto Verde Europeo a través de la propuesta GreenHG! El día 15 de enero, Maite Guerrero, del Departamento de Innovación, participó en  la primera reunión de la propuesta de proyecto...