Lifelong@Learning training course organized in El Rompido.

Inercia Digital organized a training course for an Erasmus+ KA2 project, Lifelong@Learning from June 13-17 in El Rompido. LifeLong@Learning Project aims to promote the use of ICT in adult learning focusing on the application of ICT tools for distance learning. This objective will be achieved by the exchange of good practices among the partners and by the elaboration of an educational guide about the strategy of implementation of a lifelong learning course.

The general objective of the course is to familiarize teachers/trainers/educators with online learning platforms that are complementary to the standard teaching/training methods. During the course, participants will learn to structure a learning plan in a training platform by organizing its format, distributing activities, designing assignments and will help teachers to manage student records in an easy and transparent way for the benefit of both teachers and students.

Specific objectives of the Course: Familiarizing the participants with the methodology of online courses to help them diversify the way in which the teaching process is delivered to students; Participants will learn the basic principles of creating a learning plan specific for online platforms;Participants will be introduced to the tools of the MOODLE platform, which is the most commonly used learning management system.

Apart of the training, we provided to our participants a visit of University of Huelva, where one of the professors, Mr. Alfonso Infante, showed to participants the university and the platform that is used there. We also visited an education center, Andalucía Compromiso Digital in order to provide to participants additional knowledge about the different way to educate citizens of Huelva. We hope our participants enjoyed their staying in El Rompido and learned a lot.

If you’re interested in participating in a European project with us you can contact us at We also have our course catalog with our offering for KA1 projects.


Veronika Fricova

Training Manager at Inercia Digital

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