Categoría: Erasmus+


Are you looking for a partner for ‘Teacher Academies’ that is a leader in educational innovation and digitalisation? // ¿Buscas un socio para “Academias de Profesores” que sea líder en innovación y digitalización educativa?

Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialised in digital transformation, entrepreneurship and advanced digital learning tools in the field of education and training. With a solid experience, we have participated in...


🚀 Inercia Digital: Your Ideal Partner for the Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation // 🚀 Inercia Digital: Tu Socio Ideal para las Alianzas para la Innovación de Erasmus+ 🤝

💻 Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialized in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level. We believe that we are the suitable partners for the Erasmus+ Alliances...


Inercia Digital your experienced and committed partner for Innovation Partnerships // Inercia Digital tu socio experimentado y comprometido para Alianzas para la Innovación

Inercia Digital is a Vocational Training Center of Excellence specialized in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level. With a strong focus on European collaboration, from Inercia Digital we hope to continue...


Teacher Academies: An opportunity to lead educational innovation together with Inercia Digital // Academias de Profesores: Una oportunidad para liderar la innovación educativa junto a Inercia Digital

The overall aim of the Teacher Academies is to create European partnerships of teacher education institutions and training providers that develop a European and international perspective on teacher education. These Academies should develop teacher...