End of the course of Digital Skills 2.0 for our Turkish group

This Tuesday we finalized the course Digital Skills and Web Tools 2.0 Applied to Education for Trainees that we prepared to our girls from the Avukat Mahmut Düşün MTAL school from Gaziantep, Turkey.

During the course the students were able to learn to use collaborative tools like Trello, Slack and Google Drive, create a blog with WordPress and apply an educative use to the social networks.


For the two weeks that the course lasted we enjoyed with the happiness and willingness for learning of our students, who were students of Web Development and were between 15 and 17 years old.

We’d like to thank them and their teachers for their hard work and we hope they enjoyed their stay here and that we get to see them again.

For more information you can check the Facebook group of the course and follow us in Facebook and Twitter.


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Borja V. Muñoz

Head of Technology Development at Inercia Digital S.L.
Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba) inerciadigital.com

Borja V. Muñoz

Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba) inerciadigital.com

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