Fifth Training Activity of the IoT DIGICLASS Project in Mersin // Quinta actividad formativa del proyecto IoT DIGICLASS en Mersin

From 26th of April to 2nd of May we attended the fifth training activity for the project IoT DIGICLASS in the Kadri Şaman MTSO in Mersin, Turkey. Internet of Things or IoT is defined as a system of devices that have formed a smart net connecting and communicating with each other thanks to a variety of communication (leer más)

Primer boletín informativo del proyecto STRIDE – Estrategias para la Educación Digital

STRIDE Project Estrategias para la Educación Digital 2016-1-IT02-KA201-024567 Boletín informativo #1 – Abril 2017 El proyecto El proyecto STRIDE tiene como objetivo crear una estrategia de digitalización para la educación, para renovar y adaptar el personal y las instalaciones escolares a la nueva era de la información, y por eso se han generado dos salidas: (leer más)

Fourth Training Activity of the IoT DIGICLASS Project in Milan // Cuarta actividad formativa del proyecto IoT DIGICLASS en Milán

From 13th to 19th of February we attended the fourth training activity for the project IoT DIGICLASS in the ITIS Feltrinelli of Milan, Italy. Internet of Things or IoT is defined as a system of devices that have formed a smart net connecting and communicating with each other thanks to a variety of communication protocols. In (leer más)

Second Transnational Meeting for the STRIDE Project // Segundo encuentro transnacional del proyecto STRIDE

The Second Transnational Meeting for the STRIDE Project was held the 13th and 14th of March, 2017, in the facilities of the Institut Technik und Bildung of the University of Bremen. After a welcome from the German partner, the meeting started with the schools of the partnership presenting their findings from the focus groups they (leer más)

Evento socio cívico virtual sobre reciclaje de plástico // Virtual Socio-Civic Event About Plastic Recycling

El pasado 4 de febrero tuvo lugar un evento socio cívico virtual mediante las redes sociales sobre reciclaje donde se solicitó a los visitantes que compartieran ideas para potenciar la reutilización de materiales plásticos. La campaña, que alcanzó a un total de 5.649 usuarios de Facebook, generó ideas como la de crear casas hechas con (leer más)

First Transnational Meeting for the LAMOS project // Primer encuentro internacional del proyecto LAMOS

The kickoff meeting for the LAMOS project was held the 15th and 16th of December in the offices of Eurosuccess Consulting, our coordinating partners from Nicosia, Cyprus. The aim of the project is to increase the transnational employability by shaping and developing the system supporting the transnational labour mobility and adaptability of employees/workers/individuals in foreign/international (leer más)

First Transnational Meeting of the Tools and Games for Cyberbullying project

Under a magnificent layer of thick, cold snow, we held the kickoff meeting in Ostrava, Czech Republic, for the project Tools and Games for Cyberbullying from 5th to 7th of January. Hosted by our partners and coordinators Rizika internetu a komunikačních technologií, the meeting took place in their installations, with a rather alternative but effective approach (leer más)