Course for Digital skills and web tools 2.0 applied to education for Trainees in July

Next 11th of July we’ll receive a group of students from Turkey along with their teachers to receive the course Digital skills and web tools 2.0 applied to education for trainees in our installations. The course belongs to our Digital School program of courses for digital competences.

The training will have a duration of 100 presential hours (14 days) where the students will learn about the use of new technologies for the management of projects, tasks and communications as well as improving their professional skills in social media.

We hope our guests enjoy the training as well as our suggested cultural program where they can see interesting points of our city as well as tasting its traditional food.

If your school have been granted a KA1 project for school training mobility you can contact us at You can read more about our courses here.

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Borja V. Muñoz

Head of Technology Development at Inercia Digital S.L.
Yo solía tener tiempo libre hasta que me metí en esto de los proyectos europeos. Ingeniero e instructor, a veces a la vez, a veces por separado. borjavmunoz (arroba)

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